Tech: The Wild, Ever-Changing World of Opportunities in Amman, Jordan as a tech experienced!

Aysar Hirz Allah
5 min readJul 1, 2023


Buckle up, folks, because the tech industry in Amman, Jordan is about to take you on a wild ride! Picture this: ping pong tables, entertainment rooms, and free snacks galore from time to time. But hold your horses, my friend, because there's so much more to this tech extravaganza. Brace yourself for challenges and prepare to roll up your sleeves, because success in this field requires serious dedication.

Before you dive headfirst into the tech career pool in Amman, Jordan, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, you must have an insatiable hunger for continuous learning. Why, you ask? Well, because in the tech world, change is the name of the game. Let me take you on a journey through my own tech evolution. Back in 2008, when I started my career I kicked it of as was a banking channels specialist, but by 2015, I had switched gears and delved into more business foucs to other side of the coin which is the software development companies and begin another journey from technical writing all the way to technical project management . Then, in 2018, telephony over the internet took the stage, and I found myself managing a team responsible for custome repaint points and issues in terms of banking solutions. Fast forward to 2021, and boom, AI and machine learning exploded! I had to adapt and specialize in that realm. And guess what? Today, my focus is implementing cutting edge products deployed over cloud technologies, a field that didn’t even exist when I started my journey.
Can I develop software the way I used to? Absolutely not! The programming languages have evolved faster than a superhero escaping a villain’s lair. But here’s the catch: My past experiences have proven invaluable in my current role. They’ve shaped my way of thinking and how I approach and solve problems in the present.
So, here’s the deal: If you want to make it in tech in Amman, Jordan, you need to embrace the fact that your expertise might become obsolete faster than the latest smartphone. But fear not, my ambitious friend! You must be ready to embrace the next big shift with open arms. If you’re not interested in continuous learning or believe that exams are ancient history, then perhaps this path isn’t for you. But if, like me, you’re brimming with excitement at the prospect of shaping the future, then tech is your domain, my friend.

Get ready for the thrill of a lifetime because the tech industry in Amman, Jordan is all about fast-paced action and jaw-dropping rewards. For recent graduates, snagging an entry-level position at a startup in Amman or a tech corporation will likely result in lightning-fast growth in the short term. Imagine this: an internship transforming into a permanent dream job. Companies in Amman want to hold onto the talent they've invested time and resources in, and they'll go to great lengths to attract new wizards of tech.

But here's a little word of caution: Landing these coveted roles in Amman is no walk in the park. The application processes are rigorous, but fear not, for they can be conquered with practice and preparation.

You may wonder how I know this. Well, let me share my story. Picture this: Five interviews in one day, all to secure a role at one of the high-profile tech company in globally. It was like running an obstacle course while juggling flaming torches. But guess what? I made it!

And the best part? These high-demand positions in Amman come with high paychecks. Professions such as software developers, computer and information systems managers or architectural and engineering managers rank among the top paid. According to the data, the median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was a staggering JOD 26,250 in May 2020, surpassing the median annual wage for all occupations by leaps and bounds. Amman is a city of opportunities!

Now, hold up a second! Don't believe the myth that you have to be a hardcore techie to dive into the tech pool in Amman. The tech landscape is incredibly diverse, and not all jobs require you to be a coding ninja hunched over a desk. Soft skills are the secret sauce to unlocking success in tech, regardless of your role. Communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and flexibility are the superpowers you need to thrive.

Let's break down the magnificent tech tapestry in Amman, Jordan. We have the system managers, analysts, and administrators who ensure the smooth operation of IT systems aligned with the company's goals. Then, there are the data scientists and researchers, the wizards who harness their technical knowledge to uncover innovative solutions. Let's not forget the programmers and developers, the masterminds behind game-changing applications and solutions, working hand in hand with business stakeholders to make magic happen. And who could overlook the unsung heroes of IT support, always ready to swoop in and save the day for both internal and external customers? Oh, the joy of making a difference!

But wait, there's more! We have the customer-facing technical roles, the trusted advisors who guide customers through the labyrinth of technology, solving their business problems with finesse. And let us not neglect the tech evangelists, those knowledge-sharing influencers who spread their wisdom far and wide through conferences, YouTube, and more. They inspire, they empower, they shape the future!

But here's the kicker: The tech boom in Amman has opened doors to a multitude of adjacent opportunities in other specialized fields. Salespeople, project managers, marketers, and human resource professionals are all welcome in this vibrant tech ecosystem. It's a realm where diverse skills and talents converge, creating a symphony of innovation.

Now, let's talk about the ever-trending topic of remote work. While the rest of the world was just waking up to the joys of working from home in 2020, techies in Amman had been rocking the remote work lifestyle for ages. Why, you ask? Well, because tech jobs don't conform to the traditional 9-to-5 grind. They're driven by objectives, deadlines, and the occasional midnight emergency. So, if you're a night owl or find joy in bidding farewell to the daily commute, the tech scene in, remote job is your sanctuary.
But here's the thing: Remote work requires digital dexterity and a flair for online collaboration. If the idea of endless video conferences and virtual teamwork fills you with dread, then perhaps this arrangement isn't your cup of tea.
So, my aspiring tech adventurers, are you ready to embark on this exhilarating journey? The world of tech in Amman, Jordan is bursting with opportunities, continuous learning, mind-blowing rewards, and endless possibilities. Whether you're a tech aficionado or a master of soft skills, there's a place for you in this mesmerizing landscape.

The future is calling, and Amman is ready to embrace your brilliance!

